Questo è un esempio di creazione di dialoghi con PySide.
In questo esempio, l'intera interfaccia è definita in Python. Sebbene ciò sia possibile per interfacce di piccole dimensioni, per le interfacce più grandi si raccomanda di creare i file .ui tramite Qt Designer e caricarli nel programma.
Codice completo:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import PySide
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
path = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData")
couleur = QtGui.QColorDialog.getColor()
if couleur.isValid():
red = int(str([1:3]),16) # decode hexadecimal to int()
green = int(str([3:5]),16) # decode hexadecimal to int()
blue = int(str([5:7]),16) # decode hexadecimal to int()
print(couleur) #
print("hexadecimal ", # color format hexadecimal mode 16
print("Red color ",red) # color format decimal
print("Green color ",green) # color format decimal
print("Blue color ",blue) # color format decimal
==Usare QColorDialog per creare una tavolozza di colori (standard e personalizzati) ==
Questo esempio modifica il colore Standard e il colore Personalizza seguendo la guida di Tango FreeCAD.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import PySide
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
## Window colors organisation ##
## __________________________ ##
## StandardColor: ##
## ##
## Colonnes: ##
## 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: ##
## _______________________________ ##
## Line 1: 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 ##
## Line 2: 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 ##
## Line 3: 2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 ##
## Line 4: 3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45 ##
## Line 5: 4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 ##
## Line 6: 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47 ##
## ##
## CustomColor: ##
## ##
## Colonnes: ##
## 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: ##
## _______________________________ ##
## Line 1: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ##
## Line 2: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 ##
## ##
color_Dialog = QtGui.QColorDialog()
# FreeCAD-Tango
# Customize the colors in the standard box (in numeric mode)
#### Dialog line 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 0, QtGui.QColor(252, 233, 79 , 0).rgba()) # Butte 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 6, QtGui.QColor(237, 212, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Butte 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(12, QtGui.QColor(196, 160, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Butte 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(18, QtGui.QColor( 48, 43, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Butte 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(24, QtGui.QColor(138, 226, 52 , 0).rgba()) # Chameleo 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(30, QtGui.QColor(115, 210, 22 , 0).rgba()) # Chameleo 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(36, QtGui.QColor( 78, 154, 6 , 0).rgba()) # Chameleo 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(42, QtGui.QColor( 23, 42, 4 , 0).rgba()) # Chameleo 4
#### Dialog line 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 1, QtGui.QColor(252, 175, 62 , 0).rgba()) # Orang 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 7, QtGui.QColor(245, 121, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Orang 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(13, QtGui.QColor(206, 92, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Orang 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(19, QtGui.QColor( 50, 25, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Orang 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(25, QtGui.QColor(114, 159, 207 , 0).rgba()) # Sky Blu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(31, QtGui.QColor( 52, 101, 164 , 0).rgba()) # Sky Blu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(37, QtGui.QColor( 32, 74, 135 , 0).rgba()) # Sky Blu 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(43, QtGui.QColor( 11, 21, 33 , 0).rgba()) # Sky Blu 4
#### Dialog line 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 2, QtGui.QColor(173, 127, 168 , 0).rgba()) # Plu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 8, QtGui.QColor(117, 80, 123 , 0).rgba()) # Plu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(14, QtGui.QColor( 92, 53, 102 , 0).rgba()) # Plu 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(20, QtGui.QColor( 23, 16, 24 , 0).rgba()) # Plu 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(26, QtGui.QColor(233, 185, 110 , 0).rgba()) # Chocolat 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(32, QtGui.QColor(193, 125, 17 , 0).rgba()) # Chocolat 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(38, QtGui.QColor(143, 89, 2 , 0).rgba()) # Chocolat 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(44, QtGui.QColor( 39, 25, 3 , 0).rgba()) # Chocolat 4
#### Dialog line 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 3, QtGui.QColor(239, 41, 41 , 0).rgba()) # Scarle Re 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 9, QtGui.QColor(204, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Scarle Re 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(15, QtGui.QColor(164, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Scarle Re 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(21, QtGui.QColor( 40, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Scarle Re 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(27, QtGui.QColor( 52, 224, 226 , 0).rgba()) # FreeTea 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(33, QtGui.QColor( 22, 208, 210 , 0).rgba()) # FreeTea 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(39, QtGui.QColor( 6, 152, 154 , 0).rgba()) # FreeTea 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(45, QtGui.QColor( 4, 42, 42 , 0).rgba()) # FreeTea 4
#### Dialog line 5
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 4, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255 , 0).rgba()) # Snow White
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(10, QtGui.QColor(238, 238, 236 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(16, QtGui.QColor(211, 215, 207 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(22, QtGui.QColor(186, 189, 182 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(28, QtGui.QColor(136, 138, 133 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(34, QtGui.QColor( 85, 87, 83 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 5
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(40, QtGui.QColor( 46, 52, 54 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 6
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(46, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Je Black
#### Dialog line 6
color_Dialog.setStandardColor( 5, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255 , 0).rgba()) # Snow White
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(11, QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 1
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(17, QtGui.QColor( 0, 255, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 2
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(23, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, 255 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 3
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(29, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 4
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(35, QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 255 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 5
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(41, QtGui.QColor( 0, 255, 255 , 0).rgba()) # Aluminiu 6
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(47, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Je Black
color_Dialog.setStandardColor(47, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, 0 , 0).rgba()) # Je Black
#### Customize the colors to Dialog CustomColor (in hexadecimal converted in numeric mode)
# Use the Yellow tones for tools that create objects.
# Dialog line 1
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(0, QtGui.QColor( int("fc",16),int("e9",16),int("4f",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(2, QtGui.QColor( int("ed",16),int("d4",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(4, QtGui.QColor( int("c4",16),int("a0",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(6, QtGui.QColor( int("30",16),int("2b",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
# Use the Blue tones for tools that modify objects
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(8, QtGui.QColor( int("72",16),int("9f",16),int("cf",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(10,QtGui.QColor( int("34",16),int("65",16),int("a4",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(12,QtGui.QColor( int("20",16),int("4a",16),int("87",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(14,QtGui.QColor( int("0b",16),int("15",16),int("21",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
# Use the Teal tones for view-related tools
# Dialog line 2
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(1, QtGui.QColor( int("34",16),int("e0",16),int("e2",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(3, QtGui.QColor( int("16",16),int("d0",16),int("d2",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(5, QtGui.QColor( int("06",16),int("98",16),int("9a",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(7, QtGui.QColor( int("04",16),int("2a",16),int("2a",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
# Use the Red tones for Constraint related tools
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(9, QtGui.QColor( int("ef",16),int("29",16),int("29",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(11,QtGui.QColor( int("cc",16),int("00",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(13,QtGui.QColor( int("a4",16),int("00",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
color_Dialog.setCustomColor(15,QtGui.QColor( int("28",16),int("00",16),int("00",16) , 0).rgba()) # hexadecimal converted in int
Color = color_Dialog.getColor() # extract the color in Hexadecimal mode (#ad7fa8)
if Color.isValid():
print("hexadecimal ", # color format hexadecimal mode 16
red = int(str([1:3]),16 ) # decode hexadecimal to int()
green = int(str([3:5]),16 ) # decode hexadecimal to int()
blue = int(str([5:7]),16 ) # decode hexadecimal to int()
print("Red color decimal ", str([1:3]), red ) # color format hex to decimal
print("Green color decimal ", str([3:5]), green )# color format hex to decimal
print("Blue color decimal ", str([5:7]), blue ) # color format hex to decimal
print("Red color decimal ", ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
print("Green color decimal ", ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
print("Blue color decimal ", ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
print("Alpha decimal ", Color.alpha() ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0 to 255)
print("Red color float ", Color.redF() ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
print("Green color float ", Color.greenF() ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
print("Blue color float ", Color.blueF() ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
print("Alpha float ", Color.alphaF() ) # extract the color RGBa with Qt (0.0 to 1.0) as FreeCAD
Color = ""